March on Washington
August 28, 1963
The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom was a rally held in Washington D.C. as part of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's. The march was the largest group demonstration in history, with 250,000 people coming together of all ages, races, and backgrounds to protest racial injustice. Even decades later, the March on Washington is one of the most famous non-violent protests in American history.
What do protests do?
Protests, as their name states, are large group gatherings of people protesting a particular social issue. As you can imagine, they can draw a lot of attention (from the media, the public, lawmakers, etc.) And the more attention an issue gets, the more likely it is to change!
Shortly after the March on Washington, President Kennedy passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which was the most influential piece of legislation ever passed for civil rights.

activism groups today

Judy Huemann leads a group of protestors during the 1977 protests asking Congress to pass Section 504; an extremely important civil rights law for people with disabilities.

Two women hold up signs that say "Nothing about us without us" which is a popular phrase in disability activism that advocates for disability representation in decision making.

Protestors hold up signs to raise awareness for disability rights before an upcoming election.

Judy Huemann leads a group of protestors during the 1977 protests asking Congress to pass Section 504; an extremely important civil rights law for people with disabilities.
Disability Rights movement
Big Issue Areas:​
Universal healthcare system
General and special public education in K-12 schools
Independent living opportunities
Accessibility in architecture and infrastructure
National Disability Rights Network
American Association of People with Disabilities
The Arc

Hundreds of people marching in the streets in the summer of 2020, the longest period of protests since Dr. Martin Luther King's assassination

A black teen wearing a black hoodie holds up an iced tea and a box of skittles to protest the killing of Trayvon Martin

A white protestor holds up a sign in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement encouraging other white folks to protest

Hundreds of people marching in the streets in the summer of 2020, the longest period of protests since Dr. Martin Luther King's assassination
Black Lives matter
Big Issue Areas:
Police Brutality
Race-related violence in communities
Race and Diversity education in workplaces, schools, hospitals, etc.
BLM Global
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund Inc.
Campaign Zero

Greta Thunberg, the young Swedish activist who began the movement, stands outside Swedish Parliament on a school strike with a sign that reads "School Strike for Climate"

Thousands of students globally strike school on Fridays to march to their local capitals to pressure lawmakers to address the climate crisis

The Fridays for Future Movement is entirely led and motivated by young people. Platforms like Unicef help lift their voices to initiate change.

Greta Thunberg, the young Swedish activist who began the movement, stands outside Swedish Parliament on a school strike with a sign that reads "School Strike for Climate"
Climate Movement
Big Issue Areas:
Global Warming
Renewable Energy
Holding governmental authorities accountable for the climate crisis
FFF Global
Sunrise Movement

In 2017, millions of women around the world marched in support of women's rights after Donald Trump was elected President of the USA.

Planned Parenthood, a non-profit organization for women's health speaks at a march in support of pro-choice policies regarding abortion

Feminism swept the country in the 1970's, introducing new ideas of female liberation and empowerment

In 2017, millions of women around the world marched in support of women's rights after Donald Trump was elected President of the USA.
Gender Equality
Big Issue Areas:
Equal Pay
Women's Health
Rape Culture
Gender Discrimination
UN Women
Planned Parenthood
National Organization for Women

Every June, cities across the globe hold Pride parades where thousands of LGBTQ+ people and allies gather and celebrate

A person holds up a sign that says "Trans children deserve a world without transphobia" to raise awareness of gender discrimination for trans people.

The White House is lit up in rainbow colors to celebrate Supreme Court's ruling to legalize same-sex marriage in the United States

Every June, cities across the globe hold Pride parades where thousands of LGBTQ+ people and allies gather and celebrate
LGBTQ+ Social movements
Big Issue Areas:
Gender Identity
Marriage Equality
Policy regarding faith-based discrimination
Mental Health and Wellness for youth
Human Rights Campaign
The Trevor Project
Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders