Activism is the word used to describe movements made by community members to encourage social change. Activism goes beyond politics, and involves changing the way people think and act in regards to social issues. There are all sorts of ways people engage in activism but it begins with knowing YOU are capable of making change. Ask yourself, what do I care about? What do I want my community to look like? and then:
How can I do that?

What activism is made of

First, the questions.
WHY is something the way that it is?
WHO is being negatively affected by it?
WHAT is keeping it the way that it is?
HOW can this be changed?
Then, the ADVOCATES.
These are the first people who ask these questions because it has to do with their own experience. They are all affected by the same problem in society. They talk to other people who have similar experiences as them and form a group. Then, this group begins to ask other people the questions.

Next, the ALLIES. (pronounced al-lies)
These are people who do not have the same experience as the advocates but listened to their questions and started asking them, too. Allies help give the group momentum. Even though they aren't affected by the problem, they agree something needs to change.
Finally, the ACTION.
The group is now big enough to grab the attention of the whole world. Pretty soon, everyone is asking the questions. Actions are what eventually fix the problem in society. They can take the form of many different things. Sometimes, it takes lots of actions over years and years and years before change is made.